Monday, May 22, 2006

Reboot your computer daily

I was reminded of the importance of having a personal silent time with the Lord daily when I looked at my computer today.

It's common knowledge that when a computer runs continuously for a long time without shutting down, it risks slowing down and even hanging on the user! So it is a good practice to shut down and restart your computer regularly.

I see my quiet time with the Lord as a spiritual reset button. During my quiet time, I like to read a few chapters of scripture, read a devotional material (e.g. Daily Bread), reflect on what I've read and on the things that have gone by and is to come, write a simple thought in my journal, and end with prayer. When I open my eyes at the end of my prayer, I felt like I've been renewed for the new day! All my "old anxieties" have been downloaded and packed away!

I wish for you a great daily time with our Lord too.

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