Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Naming with a purpose

Recently, I was asked to provide a ‘Christian’ name for a youth. I really crack my head to think what to give. As you know, my wife and I named my four sons – Zachary, Theophilus, Barnabas & Elijah. It took many weeks for us to come out with a name. We do not want to name our child’s name just because it “sounded pretty”. We realized that Biblical names had specific meanings, so the name was chosen more for its sense than its sound.

So for those who know the meanings of the names of my sons, you can feedback to me. Correct answer to the meanings of my son’s name will be greatly rewarded!!Below are the meanings of the names of several biblical characters. Can you name the person in each case? (This isn't as hard as it looks. Except for 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9-14, all the names are found in the titles of books of the Bible. The other names are also familiar. I will post the answer soon)

1) man
2) prosperous
3) God is strong
4) God is Savior
5) help
6) great warrior
7) love's embrace
8) salvation of the Lord
9) God has helped
10) beloved
11) eagle
12) enlightened
13) the Lord sustains
14) the Lord is gracious
15) messenger
16) worshipper of the Lord
17) the Lord has consoled
18) star
19) something worth seeing
20) asked of God
21) exalted of God
22) dove
23) he that weeps
24) peace
25) honored of God
26) honorable
27) God is judge
28) the Lord is salvation
29) salvation
30) one with a burden
31) gift of the Lord
32) light-giving
33) rock
34) the Lord remembers
35) little
36) the Lord hides
37) the Lord has been gracious
38) praise of the Lord
39) festive
40) who is like the Lord
41) compassionate
42) affectionate
43) the Lord is God
44) polite
45) supplanter

(The top scorer will receive a book from me!)

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